Apr 15, 2020 | MaryAnne Wooldridge | 772 views
A personal note from Peter Mitchell
April 15, 2020
To All LMHA Players, Members, Board Members Past and Present.
I would like to start by hoping that all those connected with Lindsay Minor Hockey and their extended families and friends are in good health, practicing physical distancing and keeping mind and body healthy. I do not want to take away from the serious of this pandemic and the pain and confusion it is causing many of us, however, I wanted to reach out to all of you to provide a short personal note.
As I have identified to the Board at the 2018 AGM and on numerous occasions since then, this was to be my last term as President, and I would not be standing for the position at the 2020 AGM, needless to say the backing away has been difficult.
Lindsay MHA is entering a new era with the pending Partnership with KMHA and with many challenges that need to be addressed by those who will be most affected by them. With the OMHA COVID-19 protocols and the resulting uncertainty of the date for the upcoming LMHA Annual General Meeting, originally scheduled for tonight, taking place I believe it in the best interest of the LMHA Board that I step aside at this time, retire from the position and allow the Board to restructure for the future.
I have been involved as a Member on the LMHA Board for nearly a quarter of a century and served as the LMHA President for 20 years. During that time, I have experienced the greatest happiness as Trainer, Coach and President and have had the pleasure of working with some very fine individuals. I dare not begin listing them as I would fear missing out someone.
However, I must take this time to provide my greatest thanks to my wife Bobbie for without her behind the scenes unwavering support and commitment to my connection to LMHA I would not have been able to serve LMHA as I have.
Seeing Players grow into community minded people and coming back with their children to LMHA is its own reward. Additional highlights have been the creation of the Future Muskie program (way ahead of its time when implemented), a Midget OMHA Championship and LMHA being the leader in the OMHA Under 8 program. As I transition in to the new title of LMHA Past President between now and tomorrow, I ask that all of our Members take a renewed interest and energy upon our return to hockey in supporting our association and those persons that have given of themselves to organize it. Always be fair in your decisions put the children first.
See you around the rink;
Peter Mitchell LMHA President / soon to be Past President