Lindsay Minor Hockey Association is in need of volunteer Coaches for the 2013-2014 hockey season at all age divisions for Representative and Additional Entry programs.
Participating again this coming season in the Lakeshore A League.
All those interested in applying for a coaching position may pick up an application from the LMHA Information
Board in Pad 1 at the Lindsay Recreation Complex, Sportsline on Kent St or from the LMHA website.
Applications for Representative Team Coaches must be completed in full and returned in a sealed envelope
marked “Coaching Application” by May 1st, 2013 to the LMHA mailbox in Pad 1 at the Lindsay Recreation
Interviews for those positions will start May 6th, 2013.
Applications by Coaches seeking Local League Coaching positions may submit their applications also, but a
closing date for those positions will occur September 2013.
Coach Application coversheet 2013-2014.pdf
Coaching Application 2013-2014.pdf