Jun 16, 2013 | tfierheller | 2242 views
Help Wanted ! LMHA jobs requiring volunteers!!
LMHA currently has 2 two year director positions and 1 one year director position open.
Members are encouraged to get involved with LMHA to help
keep the organization running smoothly and to ensure a successful upcoming
hockey season.
Currently there are various roles that need to be filled for the season to move forward in a positive manner.
If you have considered helping on the Executive but aren't able to make that commitment, then please consider filling one of the vacant roles.
Many hands make for lighter work and all the children of LMHA will benefit.
Current vacancies include..
Tournaments LL
Fair booth Coordinator
Volunteer Coordinator
If interested or for more information, please contact Karen Harris (Secretary) through the LMHA website email.