LMHA Tyke Tournament held Jan. 11/14, News (Lindsay Minor Hockey)

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Jan 26, 2014 | tfierheller | 1805 views
LMHA Tyke Tournament held Jan. 11/14
On January 11th 2014, Lindsay Minor Hockey hosted a Tyke tournament for 6 teams, including our own two teams.

Participating teams were:

Lindsay Tyke Black
Lindsay Tyke Teal
Kawartha Coyotes Tyke
Clarington Thunder Minor Tyke
Newmarket McDonald’s Red Tyke
Georgina Great White Sharks Tyke

Although some of the games were rather lopsided, it seemed as though all teams had a good time, with emails coming back after the tournament from three of them stating that all players and parents had in fact had a good time. The final results of the tournament were as follows:

In the A Championship game, Lindsay Black defeated Lindsay Teal
In the B Championship game Kawartha Coyotes defeated Clarington Thunder
And in the C Championship Newmarket McDonalds Red defeated the Georgina Great White Sharks

With the help of many generous sponsors, LMHA was able to make a little additional income from the tournament, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank those sponsors for contributing to our silent auction table.

Krown Rust Control
Lindsay Sportsline
Home Hardware Lindsay (Kent St.)
Mark’s Work Wearhouse
Polito Ford Lincoln
Lindsay Honda
Paul and Michelle Starling
TSC Store Lindsay
Burns Bulk Food
Canadian Tire Lindsay
Home Building Centre Lindsay
Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment
Carma Industries

A Special Thank You also needs to go out to Shannon Williams from Carma Industries for supplying us with a player of the game prize (t-shirt and puck) for each team, for each of our 9 games. So Thanks Very Much to Shannon and Carma Industries.

Please keep these many local businesses (as well as the many other local businesses that support LMHA with their financial contributions each year) in mind as you do business in and around Lindsay.

Thanks also should go out to my wife Michelle and the other volunteers that helped her man the food booth to hand out lunch to the players and coaches.

Paul Starling
LMHA Director
Tournament Convenor
Proud sponsors of Atom Local League
Dental Hygiene Care by Marnie and Marnie's Mouthguards
Marnie Lamb RDH (705) 879-1689 [email protected] 68 Springdale Drive, Lindsay