Positions Available for the 2015/2016 Season, News (Lindsay Minor Hockey)

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Jan 14, 2015 | tfierheller | 1144 views
Positions Available for the 2015/2016 Season
Lindsay Minor Hockey is looking for Ice Schedulers (One for Rep hockey and One for Local League) for next season as well as a Website administrator.

These positions will start after the LMHA AGM held in April.

Ice Scheduler

*should have some hockey knowledge
*will look after scheduling ice for all Rep teams and inputting the ice times into the LMHA website database(this will include games and practices)
*will work closely with the 1st VP of Rep Hockey/ 2nd VP of Local League Hockey
*should be very organized
*should have some computer knowledge

Website Administrator

*have some basic computer knowledge
*responsible for inputting information/sponsors/articles etc

For inquiries into these positions, please contact

Denise Williams
Secretary, LMHA
Boyer Chevrolet Lindsay
Boyer Chevrolet Lindsay "Corner of Hwy 7 and Hwy 35" 15 Willowdale Court Lindsay, Ontario K9V 4S5 Phone: 705-324-3533 FAX: 705-328-2657 Toll-Free: 1-800-461-1911
Proud sponsors of Atom Local League
Dental Hygiene Care by Marnie and Marnie's Mouthguards
Marnie Lamb RDH (705) 879-1689 [email protected] 68 Springdale Drive, Lindsay