Skating Instructor for Lindsay MHA “Future Muskies” Pre-hockey Program
Approximately 26 sessions from September to March (ends at March Break)
The current available ice times are Tuesday 5:30PM to 6:30PM or Saturday 9:15AM to 10:15AM
Players will be 3 or 4 years old and 20 to 24 participants will be in the program
No pucks or sticks are to be used for this part of the program
Parents are encouraged to be on ice with the Players
Program should be setup utilizing the “Task Station” format of both skill advancement and small area games to best use the ice time available
The program should be similar to the Hockey Canada IP Practice Plan/Canskate program with participant Skating, Balance and Confidence being the key components.
Skating Instructor Certification is preferred but not required.
Renumeration is available to the qualified applicant.
Successful applicant may also acquire additional training session with other LMHA teams.