Aug 09, 2020 | MaryAnne Wooldridge | 1561 views
Agenda for AGM
Agenda for August 10th AGM:
1) Review of 2019/2020
2) Presentation of 2020/2021 Budget for approval
3) Election for Vacant Positions
Vacant Positions:
President - 1 year term
1st Vice President - 1 year term
2nd Vice President - 2 year term
Treasurer - 2 year term
Director of Hockey Development - 2 year term
Equipment Director 1 year term
Registrar 1 year term
Director of Sponsorships 1 year term
Director of Fundraising 2 year term
Director of Special Events 1 year term
U8 Coordinator 1 year term
Director (role to be determined) 2 year term
Director (role to be determined) 2 year term
We are differentiating between 1 and 2 year terms so we are not in the same situation as we are currently in with so many executive members leaving at the same time.
Positions not up for renewal:
Stephen Sirrs - Secretary
Matt McLaughlin - Referee and Timekeeper coordinator
Ken Johnson - Ice Scheduler
Please note - We will not be discussing LMHA's return to hockey. We would like nothing more than to deliver our approach, however, we simply do not have the information required to plan our return to hockey.
Once information is received the 2020/2021 Executive will plan for this season and share those plans with you.