Aug 10, 2020 | MaryAnne Wooldridge | 1054 views
2020-2021 Executive
Thank you to everyone who attended the AGM this evening and thank you to our past/ returning executive members for the important roles that you played in our organization.
Please meet your 2020-2021 Executive...
President: Paul Duncan
1st Vice President: Casey Deschamps
2nd Vice President: Stephen Sirrs
Treasurer: Victoria Stewart
Director of Hockey Development: Joey Abbott
Equipment Director: Greg Walker
Registrar: MaryAnne Wooldridge
Director of Sponsorship: James Fagan
Director of Fundraising: Amanda Cowdrey
Director of Special Events: Jessica Wooldridge
Director of Ice Scheduling: Ken Johnston
U8 Director: Shawn Wilkinson
Director of Timekeepers and Referees: John Truckle
Secretary: Jennii Larocque
Director: Monte Storey
Director: Chris Robinson