Sep 03, 2020 | MaryAnne Wooldridge | 782 views
Update on Upcoming Season
LMHA Families,
Once again, we would like to thank you for your patience over the past few months. We are working diligently with various authorities to ensure players can return to hockey safely. Today we would like to share some details with you about this process and information related to our seasonal plan.
LMHA is governed by Hockey Canada, OHF and OMHA, respectively, and all return to play decisions must be in line with these governing bodies with final approval from the OMHA.
The OHF released their Return to Hockey guidelines on July 31st followed by the OMHA releasing more detailed guidelines on Friday, August 14th. We have now had a chance to thoroughly weigh different options for how we are to move forward.
Now that we have the guidelines from the OMHA, your Executive and directors are working to finalize the Return to Hockey plan with the hopes of a partnership with other Local Association’s, and then seeking approval from the OMHA. Following approval from the OMHA we must also gain approval from our local Public Health Unit.
What we do know…
· OMHA has laid out their stages 3A-E
· All hockey will be non-contact
· All LMHA players will play within a bubble of a maximum of 50 players
· All players will be placed on a roster that includes players with similar skill and ability
· LMHA Executive are meeting with KMHA Executive discussing partnership options
· There will be no Representative Programs
· In accordance with the OMHA and OHF regulations, all members must play for the centre for which they played the previous season with; or their home centre
· Any player who played with LMHA IN 2019-2020 is eligible to play with LMHA in 2020-2021
· We anticipate players will return to the ice in October.How Hockey will Look going forward…
· Teams consisting of like ability players of 6-9 skaters and 1 goalie (10), and up to 5 bench staff
· Teams will play within a bubble of no more than 5 teams and/or maximum 50 players/bench staff
· Bubbles will be created with like ability players if possible
· Teams will play 3 v 3, or 4 v 4 and will leave these open to coaches’ discretion
· All divisions are playing modified hockey – Shared ice (minus Future Muskies/18U)
· We will only consider merging our 8U program (formally Tyke/Minor Novice and Novice) if numbers are significantly low
· All Hockey Canada Pathways apply
LMHA understands these are pressing and uncertain times. We ask for your continued patience and support as we transition through this pandemic and get our eager players on the ice.
Your LMHA Executive