Return to Hockey - screening process and spectator obligation, News (Lindsay Minor Hockey)

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Oct 01, 2020 | MaryAnne Wooldridge | 812 views
Return to Hockey - screening process and spectator obligation
Welcome back to the Rink Everyone!

Before you arrive at the arena we ask that each participant complete the following questionnaire:  COVID Health Screening Questionnaire. If you answer 'yes' to any of the questions -for your safety and the safety of others- we would ask that you stay home.

The City of Kawartha Lakes has recently moved to Phase 2 of their opening and therefore has permitted that spectators may be allowed.

However, this policy is still subject to the Provincial Guidelines for Social Distancing, Screening and our Association Protocols.

The City Policy is as follows:

ONE (1) Spectator is allowed to attend the Facility per participant and any spectator must be screened and acknowledge that:
1. they cannot come and go from the facility once they entered the building and have been screened 
2. must maintain the provincial guidelines for social distancing at all times and 
3. They cannot use somebody else's spectator spot and therefore, no sibling's, friends or grandparents may attend unless they are the ONE (1) Spectator in attendance for that participant.

The City has expressed that in the light of increasing COVID numbers in the province they will be extremely stringent on this policy and if Ice Users do not adhere to the above requirements they will remove all spectators and or the times for the Ice User.  

We have left it up to the Individual Coaches as to whether they wish to allow spectators to watch the sessions.  It will be the responsibility of the individual coach and their designated COVID Manager to monitor each participants spectator.

We ask that you respect the coaches decision and please ensure you follow the protocols outlined above.

We look forward to seeing you at the rink!

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