Dec 05, 2020 | Amanda Cowdrey | 739 views
LMHA Raffle Draw
Hello Teams!
For those planning to follow along online with the Live Streaming of today's Session 1 Raffle Draw, the time has been moved to 6:30pm tonight through the Virtual Muskies Day Facebook Group.
The Green Raffle Draw box will remain in place on Pad 1 until 6pm tonight.
Winners will be announced live as well as posted on the LMHA website & Facebook page (and contacted directly in the coming days following the draw to collect prizes)
Also a reminder that bidding for the Silent Auction closes tonight at 7pm tonight.
Comments will be turned off for all items, bids time-stamped and screenshots taken.
Winners will be contacted directly by our Events Coordinator Jessica Wooldridge to arrange pick up of their item.
We are accepting cash only in the exact amount of the winning bid.
Good luck everyone!
Thank you for supporting Lindsay Minor Hockey Association!