UPDATE: New Entry Doors (LRC) & Coaches/Volunteers Proof Exemption, News (Lindsay Minor Hockey)

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Sep 22, 2021 | Amanda Cowdrey | 910 views
UPDATE: New Entry Doors (LRC) & Coaches/Volunteers Proof Exemption
Please read the following update regarding Front Door entry at the LRC & LMHA Coach/Volunteer Proof of Vaccination Exemption

Sept.22 Proof of Vaccination Requirement Correction:

The City of Kawartha Lakes Proof of Vaccination documentation states those exempt from requiring to show ID & Proof of Vaccination to gain entry to the arena are: 

“youth under 18 years entering the facility for the purpose of actively participating in an organized sport and associated coaches, volunteers, and officials involved with organized sport” 

Only spectators 12yrs+ will be required to show Proof of Vaccination to the Covid Rep before entering the arena!

All participants will still be required to prove vaccination status before the OMHA October 31st deadline,
but LMHA is not beginning this verification process until

We sincerely apologize for any confusion!

Lindsay Recreation Complex - Traffic Flow Update:

Effective immediately: All ice user groups will use the Front Door Entrance to the LRC, but must still Exit through the usual Pad 2 Side Doors, following the updated Arena Traffic Flow Plan. Groups must still enter the arena together after checking in with their Covid Rep.

The CoKL Ice User Protocols document has also been updated in regards to capacity limits: 

LMHA will continue to update our members as information comes available to us. Please watch the website & we thank you for your patience!

Give yourself time & please be kind!


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