Covid Protocols Update, News (Lindsay Minor Hockey)

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Oct 30, 2021 | Amanda Cowdrey | 888 views
Covid Protocols Update
Please read through the following information regarding the OMHA Oct.31st Proof of Vaccination Policy deadline & Covid-19 Screening procedures for Home & Away Games:

OMHA Proof of Vaccination Policy Reminder:

  • Deadline Sunday October 31st

  • All eligible participants 12yrs+ (2009 birth year & earlier), bench staff, & volunteers must be fully vaccinated 14 days prior to this date and show Proof of Vaccination to their team Covid Rep/Managers BEFORE Monday Nov.1st to continue to participate 

OMHA Proof of Vaccination Policy

Covid-19 Screening Procedures for Home & Away Games:

Since each centre has their own procedures for covid screening & checking proof of vaccinations, for the time being as we begin games, please use the following guidelines for home & away games:

Information for visiting teams can be found under the Covid-19 Screening Tools Drop Down List in the Organization Menu on the LMHA website

Home games: (Teams travelling to Lindsay)

  • ALL Visiting teams players, staff, & spectators from other centres must fill out the LMHA Covid-19 Screening Tool for our contact tracing purposes (by age division, team, & LL AE or BB)

  • LMHA Covid Reps are to print out & display your team’s Covid-19 Screening QR code for the visiting teams to scan & complete our screening when they enter our arena 

  • LMHA Covid Reps are responsible for checking Proof of Vaccination for ALL spectators 12yrs+ (with ID for 18yrs+) entering OUR arena (Home AND Visitors)

  • There should be at least 2 team staff present at the gate: the team Covid Rep & the volunteer running the gate

  • Any problems encountered by our Covid Reps while performing these checks are to be reported to the LMHA 1st VP Casey Deschamps (Rep) or 2nd VP Greg Walker (LL)

Away games/Tournaments: (Lindsay teams travelling to other centres)

  • All LMHA teams must fill out our own Covid-19 Screening Tool AND complete the Covid-19 Screening requirements of the centre you are attending. 

    • Check the website of the opposing team/tournament or reach out to the team/tournament representative for info on their arena protocols & procedures and communicate this to your parents & team staff prior to travelling! If you’re unable to get info ahead of travelling, you must still fill out your own team’s LMHA Covid-19 Screening Tool regardless

  • All spectators 12yrs+ must also have Proof of Vaccination & ID ready upon entering their arena

  • Different centres have different procedures for entry times, screening, & capacity; when travelling to other centres, we need to be respectful of these differences; foul language & abuse towards any Covid Rep personnel will not be tolerated

Gate Fees:

Gate fees for the 2021-2022 Season, put forth by the Vic-Durham and Three County Hockey Leagues, are:

  • Adults $4, Students $2, and Seniors $1

Updated LMHA Gate Report Form


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