Arena Security, News (Lindsay Minor Hockey)

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Nov 29, 2021 | Amanda Cowdrey | 1080 views
Arena Security
Beginning the week of November 29th, The City of Kawartha Lakes will have security present at all of their arenas:

Lindsay Rec Complex, Bobcaygeon, Emily-Omemee, Fenelon Falls, Little Britain, Manvers, Oakwood, & Woodville.

Everyone entering during ice times (team staff, spectators, & possibly players) will be required to show their Proof of Vaccination to security. Please ensure to have this information with you for each & every time when entering these arenas.

LMHA Covid Screening Tools must still continue to be completed & checked by our team Covid Reps for all teams & spectators attending all practices & games (including all away teams & spectators) for screening & contact tracing purposes.

Please make sure these screening tools are completed with the correct contact information and for the correct team & ice time - proper names, phone numbers, & emails and appropriate age divisions & LL, BB, or AE. 

Until this security begins (or for any time that security is not present), our LMHA team Covid Reps are to continue with checking Proof of Vaccinations.

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