On Saturday Dec.4th 2021 (Muskies Day) LMHA together with the Lindsay JrA Muskies are hosting a “Skate With the JrAs” opportunity for LMHA registered players.
This skate is FREE and open to LMHA registered players only.
It will run this Saturday Dec.4th on Muskies Day
from 11:45am - 1:15pm on Pad 2 at the Lindsay Recreational Complex
with the Lindsay JrA Muskies team in attendance from 11:45am - 12:30pm.
Enjoy a skate with your favourite Muskies player!
Snag a selfie and have fun!
Due to on ice capacity limits, pre-registration is required to attend and spaces are limited. Participants will be selected & confirmed on a first come basis as registrations are received.
All participants must wear a CSA approved helmet.
No Sticks & Pucks.