Mar 30, 2022 | Amanda Cowdrey | 347 views
LMHA Equipment & Jersey Drop Off Dates
Attention Coaches & Managers: There are 2 dates for LMHA Jerseys & Equipment returns: Sunday April 3rd and Sunday April 10th from 10 am - 11 am
Please collect the following items and return them to the Lindsay Rec Complex on one of the 2 set times:
BB and AE Teams will need to return the following items:
- AP Jerseys
- Local League Jerseys borrowed at the beginning of the season and not yet returned
- Trainers Kit and any items remaining in them
- Pucks/Pylons or hockey equipment borrowed from LMHA
- Water Bottles Container (players keep their water bottles)
Local League Teams (Please pay attention to your age group):
- Trainers Kit and any items remaining in them
- Pucks/Pylons, Goalie Gear, or other equipment borrowed from LMHA
- Water Bottles Container (players keep their water bottles)
- U5 - Players keep their Jerseys (Timbits supplies new ones for next season)
- U11 Black - Players keep their Black Jerseys. Please return White Jerseys to LMHA.
- U11 White - Players keep their White Jerseys. Please return Black Jerseys to LMHA.
- U7, U8, U9, U13, U15, U18 Return both sets of LMHA Jerseys from all of your players (Teal & White)
- All teams must bring all parent-signed Game Jersey Sign Out Forms from the beginning of the season when you return your jersey sets. Sets will be counted & jerseys checked when returned.