LMHA needs dedicated volunteers to assist with the Annual Golf Tournament on June 25th 2022
There are various volunteer positions available throughout the day:
Shifts available are:
Set-up @ 11am & Tear Down @ the end of the day (approx 9pm)
1st Shift (4.5hrs): 12pm - 4:30pm
2nd Shift (4.5hrs): 4pm - approx 9pm
A volunteer meal ticket will be provided for each shift.
This is a great opportunity for students to obtain volunteer hours for high school!
*Students are required to obtain their own transportation to & from their scheduled shifts and must remain at, and be fully engaged in, their duties to receive credit for their hours.
Volunteers may dress in a Movies Theme costume OR wear their licensed LMHA/Muskies wear (t-shirts, caps, etc.)
A valid driver's license is required by the golf course to operate a golf cart but is not required by volunteers for their positions throughout the event.
If you are available to help fill a shift, please complete the Volunteer Opportunities Form on the LMHA website.
Applicants will be contacted by the events organizer to confirm their shift prior to the event.
GOLFERS: It's not too late to book your tee time! Book Today! LMHA Golf Tournament