Letter From the President: Welcome to the 2022-23 Season, News (Lindsay Minor Hockey)

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Sep 23, 2022 | Amanda Cowdrey | 494 views
Letter From the President: Welcome to the 2022-23 Season
Welcome back to all returning members, and a special welcome to all new members to the Lindsay Minor Hockey Muskies family!

Hello Muskie Player's & Family's 

The start of the 2022/23 hockey season has arrived and there are many important pieces of info that all our members need to be aware of.

Ice Time

First, I want to thank all the Board Members for putting in time to prepare and get your children on the ice!  I encourage all families to consider how you can volunteer to help our hockey program remain strong and run smoothly. 

If you have  been to the Recreation Complex I am sure you have noticed the renovations that have taken place on the ice surfaces.  However, with these renos,  all ice users were  delayed in starting their season ice times .

First ice time for Pad 2 has been pushed back to Sept 30 - the glass was delayed.

So , I remind you all to consistently visit the LMHA web site for key dates that apply to your child's age group. 

Some ice times  have been moved to
 arenas so please read carefully.  (This is a bit of a juggling act to start but there is light at the end of the tunnel.)

OMHA Level of Play Reclassification

The OMHA has re classified level of play for all associations  across Ontario. The change means we only have single letter classifications (i.e. B, C, D) and no longer have double letter classifications (i.e. BB, CC).  Lindsay will now offer B level (formerly BB) and C level (formerly AE) hockey if there is interest.  These changes do not impact local league hockey (U7 and above LL teams will be referred to as ‘Teal, Black, White‘ etc on website). 

Season Structure

The OHF continues to evolve the Player Pathways at U7-U13 aimed at ensuring our players are enjoying the game of hockey while developing and playing at the right level of hockey. All U7-U18 players are able to participate in Development Skates prior to evaluations/tryouts. Development skates are not mandatory but all players are encouraged to participate.  Please refer to the main calendar for these Development Skates. 

In addition, LMHA  Development Committee has enlisted the services of a skating instructor and a goalie instructor , that will be assisting LMHA players throughout the season at assigned practices.


Tryout schedules have been posted. LMHA invites all interested players to pre register online under the "Tryout tab " on the website. This is mandatory so that LMHA can confirm that each player is residency compliant with OMHA rules.  A $40 tryout fee will be required at the first tryout and is payable by cash or debit.

Any player looking to play Rep level hockey (B or C team) must attend the B team tryouts and be released before attending C team tryouts. 
Players not looking to play Rep level hockey, should not attend tryouts and await confirmation of local league ice times.


Gate and Referee Cost Changes

Can’t find that $4 bucks in cash to pay at the gate -  OMHA  hockey in Ontario will no longer have/ allow gate fees! Gate fees were collected to help pay for referee /timekeeper costs.
Once all LL and Rep teams are formed, LMHA will provide direction to the new fees for refs and timekeepers for the 2022/23 season.

Continue to follow all new information by Subscribing to the LMHA website. It’s a great way to stay connected. 

Enjoy the experience and see you at the rink!

Casey Deschamps - Lindsay MHA President

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