Registration must be paid in FULL by September 1st. ANY participant with unpaid fees will be unable to participate in on-ice activities unless arrangements are made with the LMHA Treasurer
UPDATE: The City of Kawartha Lakes requires our ice contract submission MUCH EARLIER this year
(June 1st). Please register ASAP so that we can best plan for the upcoming season teams (based on registration numbers)
LATE FEES: Registration fees will increase an additional $100 per participant beginning
JUNE 1st 2024. Late registrations risk late fees, waiting lists, & are not guaranteed a spot on a team
WAITING LISTS: Participants are encouraged to register regardless of waitlist status so we can accurately gauge numbers & interest
Note: Participants who have already registered before the late fee deadline and were placed on a waiting list will NOT be subject to the late fee
Please Carefully Read All of the Following Registration Information:
If your child was registered in another hockey centre, you will not be able to register with Lindsay Minor Hockey until a Player Transfer process with OMHA has been completed.
Please visit our Player Transfers page first for more information.
*Note: This process takes time to complete; it is advised to submit this request to start this process as soon as possible!
HCR UPDATE: All participants are required to provide Proof of Residence & a Birth Certificate to be registered.
Season Starts: Rep Level Preskates & Tryouts in the Spring (U18 in the Fall), Local League & Pre Season Skating starts in September, & Games Begin in October
Season Ends: Middle to End of March (OMHA Championships for Rep teams that qualify are as late as April)
U5 Future Muskies: Average 2 Ice times/week with a focused mix of skating skills, introductory hockey skills, and FUN!
U9 & Below: Average 2 Ice times/week with practices plus Three County Hockey League local league gameplay (some travel), and FUN jamborees & team tournaments!
U11-U18: Average 2 Ice times/week with practices plus either Representative level gameplay or Three County Hockey League local league level gameplay (both levels are travel), and team arranged tournaments & activities, etc
Local League: Offers a opportunity for all ages & skill levels (U7 - U18) to get in the game & learn new hockey skills within a competitive, social, & fun environment! Note: Travel is involved for games at the Local League Level
Representative: Geared for players with advanced level skills & abilities seeking more challenging gameplay in a competitive environment and must attend tryouts to be eligible for these team positions.
Registration Fees for 2024-2025 Season:
Age Division
Birth Year*
Registration Fee Before
May 31/2024**
Registration Fee After
May 31/2024**
*A player’s age is determined by the age as of December 31st, 2024
**Fundraising Fees, Representative Level Tryouts Fees, and Individual Team Fees are NOT included in the above Registration Fees (see Additional Fees below)
Representative Level Tryouts Fees ($40) will be due & collected at the time of tryouts
Team Fees: any fees required per the team, over & above registration fees, that are determined by the team manager/coach after teams have been created.
Team Fees may be requested by managers/coaches from all age groups (U5 - U18) and levels of play (both LL & Rep)
Amounts are based on each individual team’s budget needs for the season and collected from parents typically immediately after team creation, ahead of fundraising & sponsorship efforts.
Money collected is used to secure tournaments, book team building activities, order practice jerseys, pay game officials (referees & timekeepers), and book additional ice where required etc.
Participation in Team Fundraising is a crucial part of a team’s ability to cover these costs and minimize Team Fee costs to parents.
Additional Representative Level Registration Fees will now be incorporated into TEAM FEES and no longer due & collected as a Rep Registration Fee on top of regular season registration fees.
If applying for financial assistance:
You must apply as early as possible
Notify the Registrar & Treasurer by email of your application
And please follow up on your application status (confirmation email required)
If assistance has not been received by the start of programming, you will be required to pay the registration amount in full. Once funding has been received from the financial assistance provided, a refund will be issued to you.
NOTE: Fundraising fees are not covered by financial assistance and must be paid upfront on registration
Please visit the Financial Assistance page for more information on the various programs offering funding and how to apply.
If a participant chooses to register & then deregister prior to the start of the season, a $100 administration fee will be charged
Note: All refunds are board reviewed on a case by case basis (LMHA Refund Policy)
Click Below To Register for the 2024-2025 Season:
Please register all participants & a receipt will be emailed to you
Questions or trouble registering?
Contact our Registrar at: [email protected]