Dec 13, 2016 | KellyKyle | 835 views
First half season overview
Our first season is over, and what a season it was. we went 16-0, and we were the smallest team in the league and every tournament we played in by far, probably because we only have 3 second year kids ,7 1st year, 2 atom age kids,and 2 9 year old AP boys,but we also have the biggest hearts. Our boys have never quit all year showing us their determination and team work and adjusting to our different style of coaching strategies that they have never been taught, but executing them to perfection most games.
We were A finalists in the Mariposa tournament back in November (but we actually won twice in overtime, very questionable refereeing ) we won the regional Silverstick tourney last weekend in Haliburton. In a total of 24 games we have now outscored our opponents 155 to 43 so far. We still have the Silverstick championship weekend in Pelham Jan. 7 and another tournament in Orillia in February. I know back in September when we picked this team,only made up of 10 skaters and 2 tremendous goaltenders, that we were going to be a competitive team, but they have surpassed our expectations. combine that with a fantastic group of parents ( not one issue all year) it makes for a very special season. We can't wait for the 2nd season to start.
Coach Randy Kyle