Annual General Meeting, Team Calendar, U13 Rep, Representative, 2023-2024 (Lindsay Minor Hockey)

PrintEvent Details
Organization - Annual General Meeting
Tue May 30, 2023, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: LRC - Fish Pond

The Lindsay Minor Hockey Association Annual General Meeting will be held Tuesday May 30th @ 6pm at the Lindsay Recreation Complex (Fish Pond)

All members are encouraged to attend the AGM to learn more about your child’s hockey association, exercise your membership right to vote on important items (Board member elections, Proposed budget, etc), & become involved in volunteer opportunities with LMHA.

Agenda for the May 30th 2023 AGM will be as follows:

  • Review of 2022/2023 Season

  • Presentation of 2022 AGM Minutes & 2023/2024 Season Budget for Approvals (linked below for member review prior to the AGM)

  • Notice of Amendments to the LMHA Constitution

  • Elections for Board Positions

The Following 2 Year Term Positions Are Up for Re-Election for 2023/2024:

  • 1st Vice President/OMHA Representative

  • 2nd Vice President Assistant

  • Treasurer

  • Registration Director

  • Fundraising & Special Events Chairperson

  • Tournament Director

  • Equipment Director

Vacant Position to be Filled - Secretary

Notice of Motion - Submit this form to make constitution amendment requests no later than 14 days prior to the AGM

Nomination Form - Submit nominations for board positions no later than the day prior to the AGM.

These forms can either be deposited into the LMHA Mailbox on Pad 1 or emailed to the LMHA Secretary within the posted timelines [email protected] 

AGM 2022 Minutes

2023-2024 Proposed Budget
Please direct any budget questions to the LMHA Treasurer - Jessica Dagg [email protected]


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