Jan 22, 2019 | arichards | 618 views
Playoff Push by: Tim Junkin
The Atom BB Muskies kicked off their playoff run on Saturday at home against the Prince Edward County Kings.The Muskies seemed to leave everything in the room at the start of the game.....PEC did not! The Muskies learned quickly that this team hadn't travelled this far to roll over. Within the first few minutes the Muskies were facing a 2-0 deficit! BUT.....Then the Muskies woke up!
The Muskies quickly turned the game around and struck for the next 5 goals to end the 1st period up 5-2. The 2nd period tightened up and each team only put 1 goal on the board. The teams went to the rooms for the 2nd intermission and once again, The Muskies came out slow. PEC once again came out flying and closed the gap to 1 early in the 3rd and had the Muskies fans, staff and players fairly nervous. The kids quickly felt the support of the larger then normal crowd and quickly added 3 more goals to allow everyone a little breathing room. The final score was 9-5. The teams will continue the series January 26th at 2:30. Please come out and support the kids!