Grab your jerseys, sharpen your skates, & tape those sticks! We're ready to meet you on the ice!
We've been working hard behind the scenes this summer preparing for the 2021-2022 season! Beginning this week & over the next few weeks, ice times are scheduled according to age group & the first letter of your participant’s last name. (except U8, U9, & U18 are not split by last name initials)
These ice times are for all registered participants, regardless of LL, BB, or AE. Please refer to the main website calendar to ensure that your player is attending the correct ice time:
*To maintain numbers & keep track of participants inside the arena during ice times,
we cannot allow requests for participants to switch ice times
or move between name groupings within age groups*
Tryouts: ice times are scheduled in the BB calendars at the end of this month. Please watch the LMHA website for more updates & important information to come
Volunteers & Coaches:
The hard work of our dedicated volunteers is our most valuable asset & it's what drives our organization. We're always in need of volunteers for various positions (team staff, fundraising, special events, board members).
We have an immediate need for added coaching staff & Covid-19 Reps for our September skates. Please contact Monte Storey, LMHA Supervisor of Coaches & Trainers [email protected] if you are available to help!
Arriving At the Arena:
We’re excited for a more normal season of hockey, and to ensure safe enjoyment for all, there are similarities to last season that must remain in place:
Covid-19 Screening: All Participants, Spectators, Coaches, & Staff must complete the online screening tool & check-in with the Covid-19 Rep before entering the arena. Links to the online screening tools will be posted in the Organization Menu on the LMHA website & on each age group’s LMHA Webpage
Enter & Exit Pad 2 doors only (located at the back parking lot near the walkway between the buildings) and follow directional floor markers & signs
Face masks must be worn inside the building (except during on-ice activity)
2 spectators per participant(continue to follow physical distancing rules)
Arrive Dressed & Ready to enter 10 min before; leave within 10 min after ice time ending. Seating is available in the hallway for tying skates & putting on helmets. Change Rooms are available if needed with limited allowable numbers.
Outside food & drinks are NOT permitted (Except on-ice participant’s water bottles)
Protocols can change due to regulations from our local health unit & the City of Kawartha Lakes.
Please take a few moments to read through the documents linked below
& familiarize yourself with the most current information.
Info on Vaccination Policies:
Just recently, OMHA announced policies in alignment with government regulations requiring vaccinations for those eligible with regards to entry to facilities & participation in hockey.
If this recent announcement has forced you to reconsider registering your child for hockey, LMHA will allow you to deregister and waive the deregistration fees, if done so BEFORE September 21st 2021. All refunds are board reviewed on a case by case basis & we understand this may be a difficult choice to make (LMHA Refund Policy)
Please contact our Registrar: [email protected]
OMHA Vaccine Policy Statement:
OHF Return to Hockey Framework:
If you have any questions or concerns, we're here to help!
Please contact the appropriate board member for assistance
LMHA Executive