Oct 15, 2012 | gjfierheller | 488 views
Lindsay Tyke Rep. Muskies win big vs. Belleville
With their second win in a row the Tyke Rep. Muskies ran roughshod over Belleville 10 to 1 on Oct 13th.
The Tyke Muskies played their second game of a three game road trip, and won decisively against Belleville by 9 goals.
There was no scoring in the first, but Lindsay clearly had a handle on their opponents.
The second period saw the floodgates open as Lindsay recorded 6 unanswered goals and added 4 more in the third. Belleville's lone tally came at 7:43 of the third period.
The team was lead by Kyle Sanderson with a 6 point showing, 2 goals and 4 assists, followed up by Jax Radford with 1 goal and 4 assists. the scoring was rounded out by Thomas Malcolm, Jacob Moore and Blaze Selleck with 2 a piece and Jonah Madsen with 1. Additional assists were put up by William Fierheller and Selleck with 2 each, Kadyn Goble and Moore had 1 each as well.
by G.J.Fierheller