Nov 23, 2012 | gjfierheller | 866 views
Muskie Mid-Season Up Date, 2nd place!
Lindsay Tyke Muskies are rolling right along in the 2012/13 season. The team has been continuously improving their game, and it shows on the ice and in the standings. they currently sit in a tie for second place in the Lakeshore Tyke League, and the Tyke Rep. family couldn't be happier.
The Tyke Muskies, dedication, heart and skill shows every time they step on the ice. Head coach Kirk Robertson was recently asked his thoughts on the season so far, "Half way through our regular season and sitting in a tie for second place. I can't begin to express how proud I am of these boys and how much they have improved." quipped Coach Robertson. The Team will enjoy some home rink advantage in the last half of the year, With 5 away games and 8 home games left to go. Come out and support the Tyke Rep Muskies, the hockey is guaranteed entertaining and the boys play well beyond their young ages. Fore checking, back checking, digging out the puck and winning the battles. Tape to tape passes and top shelf goals are what you can expect, they are, after all, the future of hockey.