Dec 17, 2012 | gjfierheller | 955 views
Tyke Muskies Keep Rolling with 4 Game Win Streak
On Dec.15, the stage was set in Lindsay for The Tyke Muskies to battle
Clarington Black for their third tilt of the season. The Muskies were
looking to prove themselves, as the first two games ended in a tie and
loss for Lindsay. As the P.A. system played TNT, the boys took to
the ice with a steely determination, the crowd could sense it and the
building was electric.
The first period saw the Tyke Muskies taking the bulk of the play to the opponents, Lindsay was rewarded for their tenacious play when at 6:31, Karter Robertson, the solid stay at home D-man, pinched in off the blueline and went five hole with a hard and low wrist shot on the Clarington net minder. The assist went to Kadyn Goble. Lindsay continued to dominate and at 4:19 Jacob Moore found the twine on a beauty passing play, assisted by Jonah Madsen and William Fierheller.
Second period play was a fast paced physical affair, with Clarington looking to come back from a two goal deficit. With Tyler Kyle in the box, graciously serving a too many men bench minor for his team, Clarington saw an opportunity to capitalize. The onslaught was averted with great back checking and a solid defensive squad. Goalie, Yanni Karkoulas had lots of help as he easily handled the few shots that got to the net. The momentum shifted to Lindsay after the penalty Kill, and at 3:22, Thomas Malcolm scored with help from Moore and Fierheller, on another quick passing play making it 3-0.
In the third, the Refs put away their whistles and let the boys decide who would be the victor. The Lindsay Tyke Muskies would not be denied. With shutdown "D" and unrelenting back checking, Clarington couldn't muster much and the game ended with the 3-0 shutout to cap a 4 game win streak for the Hometown Team.
With one game left before the X-mass break, Ajax comes to the fish pond on Dec.22 at Noon. The Tyke rep. Muskies will be ready to go, 'cause these boys aren't just TNT, they're dynamite, Oi, Oi, Oi.
By G.J.Fierheller