Nov 24, 2019 | Robin DeShane | 750 views
On Wednesday November 20th/2019 The Lindsay Muskies Atom BB squad would be at home at the LRC to host the Brock Wild squad. The Wild would be at the disadvantage from the start as they are in a rebuild year.
The Muskies would take it to the Wild and never let up as they would beat the Wild 16-0 nothing. Give credit where credit is due, The Wild squad would not give up and fought to the last buzzer. Great job Wild squad!!!
On this evening which was a one sided affair the Muskie would like to make one important game note and Congratulate Connor Gibbs #73 of The Muskies on his first career goal as a Muskie, we look forward to many more Connor.
Next up the Muskies will host the Ennismore Eagles at The LRC on Wednesday November 27th/2019, before hitting the road to take part in The Midland Regional Silver Stick.