Oct 17, 2021 | Amanda Cowdrey | 758 views
Update on Capacity Limits from the City of Kawartha Lakes
Please see the following information from the City of Kawartha Lakes regarding the recent lifting of capacity limits in certain centres & venues:
"Based on the provincial announcement made October 8 that Ontario is cautiously lifting capacity limits in select settings a decision has been made to adjust our municipal protocols accordingly. With that change in mind the following protocols will be in effect as of today:"
What is new:
- Spectator numbers increased to regular capacity limits
- No time restriction to enter the facility before each ice time (You must still check in with your team Covid Rep before entering! Please do not arrive too early so that they have adequate time to screen everyone)
- Dressing rooms must be vacated 20mins after each ice time. Staff require time in between rentals to properly sanitize the dressing rooms.
- Showers are now available
What Remains the same:
- Covid Screening must still be completed & checked before entering the arena
- Proof of Vaccination must still be shown
- Dressing room capacity limits remain in place
- Everyone must still wear mask/face covering
- Ice capacity limits on the ice/on the bench remain
- No off-ice warm-ups and/or dryland training activities
Once the City of Kawartha Lakes online documents are updated, this will be added to our LMHA online library for reference as well under Covid Protocols